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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cooper's Hawk Profile

One of my favorite images of the juvenile Cooper's Hawk who has been hanging out in our yard. I love the soft diffusion of light that the white pine boughs create in the background.

I'm away on my northwoods camping trip. Unplugged, off grid, just enjoying nature  :-)  Thank you for visiting my blog - I'll reply to comments when I return in a few weeks!


  1. Beautiful profile and a great capture!

  2. Stunning, stunning image of an outstanding bird.
    What a beauty!

  3. This portrait is like a painting Tammy! It's so detailed and sharp!

  4. Wow! Spectacular portrait of this very handsome bird!

  5. Beautiful hawk photo!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  6. The other day we saw a bird fly swiftly out of the trees. It was hard to identify except for a reddish brown tail fanned out. I'm guessing it was a hawk of some kind. Wish it had stuck around a bit longer. - Margy

  7. What a great photo. Well done.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
