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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Sidetrip

Took a break today and crossed over to Hudson, Wis., to see the migratory waterfowl and, of course, hoping to catch a glimpse of 88F (the rehabbed swan who reunited with his mate in Hudson).

Unfortunately no sign of him, but it was nice to see approximately 100 other swans in the wild. A surprising lack of other winter waterfowl: only mallards, geese and one lone white farm duck that has heeded the call of the wild.

Trumpeter Swans, like the ones in Hudson, travel in family units and usually not more than 4-6 in one flying flock.  If you see a "v" of swans flying overhead numbering more than a dozen, those are Tundra Swans.

Juveniles spend their first year with their parents and are grey like the one above, gradually becoming fully white by their first birthday. Adults do mate for life (but they will find a new mate if the original mate dies) and return to the same nesting area each year.

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